Alpha Flight Questionnaire
The Following is the official forum Alpha Flight Questionnaire and is a great way to see the interests of fellow Alpha Flight Fans.
1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?
2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?
3. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight character?
4. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight character?
5. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight villain?
6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?
7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arc from Alpha Flight?
8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?
9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)
10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?
11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?
12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?
13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?
14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?
15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?
Re: Alpha Flight Questionnaire
1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?
Since my brother started buying it. I don't know exactly, but I think it was the pestilennce storyline.
2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?
I think it was in the x-men when Nightcrawler, Wolverine and part of AF fight Wendigo translated in french by Héritage.
3. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight character?
Northstar and Aurora
4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?
Major Maple Leaf, Wyre, Murmur,
5. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight villain?
6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?
So many, Diablo,I think
7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight?
The first 12 issues of the serie vol 1
8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?
9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)
10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?
Heather or Puck (mac should be dead)
11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?
12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?
many, I would say mantlo
13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?
The new guy is good and so was Jim Lee and Byrne. Mignola had not find is style and the inking was horrible
14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?
Clark and many many more
15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?
Most of what mantlo wrote except the dreamqueen.
Re: Alpha Flight Questionnaire
1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight??
Since Vol 1 #6
2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?
Uncanny X-Men #139 - 140. The earlier issues that featured AF didn't make it to the UK in large numbers due to sea frieght problems or something, so I didn't read that appearence for years. My abiding memory of that has to be Nightcrawler jumping up on Wolvie as SnowBear comes through the door.
3. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight character?
Probably Heather
4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?
Was Radius, but unfortunately he died :-) so I would now opt for Murmur
5. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight villain?
6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?
7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight?
The Search for Langowski vol 1 #23-24
8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?
Heather in original armour
Puck (original)
Maddy Jeffries as Box
9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)
Puck, no matter how long you were stranded, you would never tire of listening to his life stories.
10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?
Heather, experience and humanity, also willing to confront interfering authority when needed.
11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?
12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?
13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?
Toss up between Byrne and Brodderick
14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?
Calimee makes it to the winning post, just in front of Dunc.
15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?
Kidnapping and hypnotizing of Maddy, plus most of vol 2 :-)