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Thread: Out Of The Loop

  1. #1

    Default Out Of The Loop

    Have been out of the loop for a while. Tried to get into the site a few times over the last couple months and it kept coming up a 404 error. Was able to get in today to find Bill P's message about Death of a dream... Did I miss something? Is Phil alright or is there a problem with the website? Has a new site opened up and updates are going to that site? I really enjoyed this site and how informative it was - including keeping everyone advised of upcoming AF appearances. Not sure if anyone will see this, but if they do can someone shoot me an email to about the situation as I'm not sure if this was a fluke that I got in and not sure I will be able to get in again.

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Thanks for checking in, other Michael.
    As far as I know, Phil is fine. I've been having the same troubles, though.

    I'll email separately, just in case.

  3. #3


    Yeah, I'm all good thanks!

    Unfortunately the website issues are out of my control, as whilst I administrate, I don't own.

    I am working on something similar though, not quite a replacement, but site-adjacent... more news should follow soon.

  4. #4


    Let this Site die.. Build a new one from the ground up!

  5. #5


    Yeah I'm having issues with the site. Shame. Ben came back a few months ago with an update

  6. #6


    If anyone wants to help with either:

    Issues Summaries
    Character Bio's
    Creator Bio's

    Let me know - either here/DM/

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